Friday, July 11, 2008

A Fear of Success Can Dash Your Dreams

It is all too common for someone to experience fear when pursuing an ambition. Fear can become an obstacle to performing at one’s best, ultimately hindering a desired achievement.
Perhaps you have experienced sensitivity to the demands and results of success, and can relate a shortcoming or failure to the fear. Hypnotherapist Juanita-Beth Morgan provides insight on this surprising struggle.

"The fear of success is an emotional encumbrance, causing us to experience and receive much less than we deserve in order to enjoy a successful life," said Morgan.

According to Morgan, the reasons for fearing success vary depending on the perception of success one has. For some, it may be the pressures to keep up a high standard once it is reached, for others it could be concern over outdoing another’s attempts at the same goal.

Morgan says a first step to conquering the fear of success to properly define what success means to you. This can eliminate faulty beliefs caused by identifying success according to what others say it is.

Another principle Morgan suggests is to have a positive role model. Seek a successful person who is thriving and observe how they achieve this accomplishment.

Recalling how you are successful in other areas of life can encourage confidence toward a current goal, says Morgan.

Finally, in order to combat fear of success, Morgan says it is important to have a plan. "Follow your plan slowly and progressively advance your interests," she asserts, adding that it's important to pace yourself and not burn out.

Here’s to your success!

About Vicki Millehan
Among Prudential Waterfront Properties’ top producers, Vicki has a solid reputation for being one of the most successful and qualified sales agents on Smith Mountain Lake. She has received multiple awards including “Top Individual Sales Award” given by the Roanoke Valley Association of Realtors in 2004 and 2005. Vicki is a member of the Roanoke Valley Association of Realtors, the Virginia Association of Realtors, National Association of Realtors, and the Smith Mountain Lake Chamber of Commerce.

Contact Vicki Millehan
(540) 576-1224
(540) 520-2401

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