Wednesday, June 3, 2009

What About Bob? and Smith Mountain Lake

Smith Mountain Lake has a Hollywood connection. Many people may not realize it, but this area was the backdrop for What About Bob? a hit 1990s movie. This comedy was filmed right off the lake and the locals even got to get in on the fun.

People are always fascinated with Hollywood. It is easy to become star struck, but you do not have to meet a Hollywood A-lister to get the inside scoop about how movies are made. You can visit Smith Mountain Lake and meet people who were here when What About Bob? was being filmed.

The movie was filmed here during the fall of 1992. Stars Bill Murray and Richard Dreyfus were on hand to film the movie in the nearby town of Moneta just off the lake. A real home in town was used and the signs and buildings were made up to look like the fictional movie town, Lake Winnipesaukee.

Even though the house was blown up in the film, it is still there in Moneta. What really happened was Hollywood magic. A scale model of the house was blown up, not the real house.

You can come visit the area and see the remnants from the movie. You can also talk to locals who were there for the filming. It is always exciting to be a part of something like this so people are sure to want to talk about it.

When you are in the Smith Mountain Lake area, you will definitely see right off hand why it was chosen as the film location. It is a stunning area where natural beauty is abundant. Not to mention that the homes and people in this area make a picture perfect setting. If you start to feel at home then let Vicki Millehan show you around. She is the top real estate expert in the area and she can help you make this lovely area your home.

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