Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Celebrating Thomas Jefferson in Forest, VA

It isn’t often you to participate in the retirement celebration for an American President. This weekend, October 3rd, you can! Poplar Forest will be celebrating the 200th anniversary of Thomas Jefferson’s retirement and his return to Virginia. The Richmond Symphony will be entertaining on the beautiful lawn of Poplar Forest, Jefferson’s secluded retreat. Tickets can be purchased in advance or at the door, they also include a catered reception on the lawns of the retreat.
Jefferson retired from public life in 1809. He returned to what is now the town of Forest in Bedford County VA. The home at Poplar Forest was one of his greatest designs, but unknown to many outside the area. The home itself is described as such: “Poplar Forest is considered Jefferson’s most mature architectural masterpiece. At Poplar Forest, elements from ancient, Renaissance Palladian and 18th century French architecture, as well as British and Virginian design, fuse into a harmonious whole.” It has also been designated a National Historic Landmark.
This weekend also offers a chance to visit with “Jefferson” himself. Bill Barker of Colonial Williamsburg will visit with guests as late president! Mr. Barker has portrayed Jefferson for the last 20 years. He has even portrayed him at the Palace of Versailles and the White House. It isn’t often you can spend the afternoon with Thomas Jefferson and the Richmond Symphony!
Franklin County and Bedford County VA are full of great opportunities! In an area rich with history and natural beauty, there is much to see and do! Come for a visit, if you like it, then move here! If you are interested in relocating to the area, call Vicki Millehan! She can help you find your own Virginia retreat!

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